Valencia Basket defeated FC Barcelona Lassa (81-76) yesterday at La Fonteta in a hard-fought game sponsored by Pamesa Cerámica in the 18th round of the Turkish Airlines Euroleague. The ‘taronja’ club kept a cool head in the game’s most heated moments, scoring a spectacular 21 out of 21 in free throws, several of which, from Bojan Dubljevic and Fernando San Emeterio, were decisive.
Pamesa Cerámica prepared a night laden with gifts, emotion and fire to fan the flame of recovery in the European competition.
#SorollTaronja with fans from Pamesa
Everyone who came to watch this riveting game at La Fonteta found a fan on their seat, one of 8,500 fans customised with the Pamesa Cerámica logo on one side and a breathtaking image designed to create the most exiting atmosphere when the ball came into play in La Fonteta.
Fire to light up the presentation
Fire was once again the star of the show during the presentation of the players. Four columns of fire placed in the centre of La Fonteta accompanied the naming of each Valencia Basket player and coaching team member throughout the presentation.
Timeout gifts
Pamesa’s presence was also very much in evidence during timeouts and half time in the form of organised games and activities and many gifts of the firm’s products. More mementos like Pamesa Cerámica t-shirts and backpacks were also thrown into the crowd.