Pamesa presents ELEGANZA

Mixing textures, formats, finishes and colours is a dominant trend in the world of architecture and interior design. Sp­ecifically, colour is needed for much more than just its beautifying power and its uncanny ability to make spaces one of a kind; colour can be the key factor in an architectural design. Whites, terracotta tones or classic greys are now the most popular shades when creating a space; from a classic-renovated style to the most industrial or mid-century styles. That’s why being up to date with the latest trends and needs of archi­tects, decorators and designers sharpens both our minds and our creativity.


As Le Corbusier said in 1932, “Colour is intimately attached to our being, each one of us has perhaps their colour.” With its powerfully expressive way,colour continues to be a primary and universal means of communication,linked to life experiences, childhood, ourbeing… Colours evoke memoriesand feelings, which is why it is soimportant to choose them well when it comes to dressing our interiors. Eleganza has now landed as a vibrant, powerful collection. Split into seven colour schemes, using a palette of elegant neutral tones as well as bright, vibrant colours: beige, perla, grigio, siena, terra saggio and blu. And it’s not just those alone, as this collection also includes decorative elements: Nara, which adds a metallic touch and Japanese-inspired flowers, Degli in shades of blue with large floral motifs, and Faito, where leaves and poppies will add a touch of warmth to your rooms. Eleganza, a wide range of colour ideas that bring together the latest trends in design and interior design.

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